I have a ServiceField
class which contains FieldId
and Value
as two properties .
public class ServiceField
public int FieldId { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to assign value to HajjPackageFields class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hajPackageObj">HajjPackageFields whose value needs to be updated</param>
private void UpdateDetailFieldsValue(HajjPackageFields hajPackageObj)
foreach (ServiceField field in GetPackageDetails(hajPackageObj.PackageId))
if (field.FieldId == (int)HajjServiceFieldsEnum.AccomodationView)
hajPackageObj.AccomodationView = field.Value == "1";
else if (field.FieldId == (int)HajjServiceFieldsEnum.AirTicket)
hajPackageObj.AirTicket = field.Value == "1";
Problem is if any new property add in HajjPackageField
class than i have to modify my UpdateDetailFieldsValue
method which is against the open close principle. Is there any other proper way to achieve this task ?
If I clearly understood you, reflection will help to solve problem:
private void UpdateDetailFieldsValue(HajjPackageFields hajPackageObj)
var pairs = new Dictionary<int, string>();
foreach (var enumVal in typeof(HajjServiceFieldsEnum).GetEnumValues())
pairs[(int)(HajjServiceFieldsEnum)enumVal] = typeof(HajjServiceFieldsEnum).GetEnumName(enumVal);
foreach (ServiceField field in GetPackageDetails(hajPackageObj.PackageId))
?.SetValue(hajPackageObj, field.Value == "1");