I have something like 700,000 files in a folder where I need to find and replace multiple strings with different other strings (all 4 caracters codes). It is unsure if a string is present or not in a file. I'm trying to use gsub but I can't find how to do it with regular expressions. Can someone tell me a good and efficient way to handle this task?
This is the code I've used so far. It worked well with only one y <- gsub(...)
instruction but doesn't work for my purpose, obviously because only the last gsub instruction is taken into account for defining the y variable...
chm_files <- list.files(getwd(), pattern=("^[[:digit:]]*.chm$"), full.names=F)
for(chm_file in chm_files) {
x <- readLines(chm_file)
y <- gsub("AG02|AG07|AG05|AG18|AG19|AG08|AG09|AG17", "AGRL", x)
y <- gsub("SB28|SB42|SB43|SB33|SB41|SB34|SB39|SB35", "SWHT", x)
y <- gsub("WB28|WB42|WB43|WB32|WB09|WB33|WB41|WB26", "BARL", x)
y <- gsub("WW02|WW25|WW08|WW31|WW05|WW28|WW19|WW42", "WWHT", x)
cat(y, file=chm_file, sep="\n")
I am sure there are already numerous pre-built functions for this task in various R-packages, but anyhow I just cooked this one up for myself and others to use/modify. Apart from the tasks request above it also prints out a tracking log of the count of all changes made across files function: multi_replace.
Here is some example code of how it should be run
# local directory with files you want to work with
setwd("C:/Users/DW/Desktop/New folder")
# get a list of files based on a pattern of interest e.g. .html, .txt, .php
filer = list.files(pattern=".php")
# f - list of original string values you want to change
f <- c("localhost","dbtest","root","oldpassword")
# r - list of values to replace the above values with
# make sure the indexing of f & r
r <- c("newhost", "newdb", "newroot", "newpassword")
# Run the function and watch all your changes take place ;)
tracking_sheet <- multi_replace(filer, f, r)