I am getting rate "limit exceed error". I know about Vimeo rate limit conditions and I am caching api calls response for reducing Vimeo hits.
I am not sure that playing a Vimeo video can affect rate limit or not.
I am using Vimeo video external player url for playing video in my iOS project.
Example: https://player.vimeo.com/external/176590201.sd.mp4?s=......&profile_id=...&oauth2_token_id=...
Is it possible that playing a Vimeo video consider as a api call to Vimeo server and affect rate limit?
Any suggestion or link will much appreciated.
No, playing a Vimeo video (either using the external player link you mentioned or using the Vimeo iframe player) will not increment the API rate limit.
Only requests to https://api.vimeo.com where a response body is expected should increment the rate limit.
For example, GET https://api.vimeo.com/me
(reading the metadata for your Vimeo account) will increment the rate limit because a response body is returned.
However DELETE https://api.vimeo.com/[complete_uri]
(Completing a streaming upload) will not increment the rate limit because only a header is returned.