I have an array that looks like:
20 1
20 7
45 3
127 17
102 1
90 1
64 1
etc... where the left-hand column shows a light intensity value and the right-hand column shows the number of times it appears. I want a corresponding cell array that expands the array and lists each value, individually, for the number of times it appears. Like so (ignore the left-hand cell column):
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 20
[] 45
[] 45
[] 45
etc... Who can tell me a CLEVER way of doing this? Tricky indexing here. I have the following clunky piece that (kind of) works:
% Determine the number of 10-minute intervals for which a light level is
% recorded (sum all the unique light levels and their repeats).
no_light_levels = sum(repeat_arr(:, 2));
% 'geologger_data_all' records time of each light level reading and the
% light level.
geologger_data_all{no_light_levels, 2} = [];
geologger_data_all(1, 2) = {repeat_arr(1, 1)};
k_out = 2; % index for out arr.
for k = 2:length(repeat_arr)
light_level = repeat_arr(k, 1); % grab the light level
appears = repeat_arr(k, 2); % does it repeat?
if appears == 1
geologger_data_all(k_out, 2) = {light_level}; % record
k_out = k_out + 1;
elseif appears > 1
% Record the light level for the number of times it appears.
geologger_data_all(k_out:(k_out + appears - 1), 2) = {light_level};
k_out = k_out + appears; % advance index for out arr.
Where repeat_arr
looks like the first formatted array shown here. Thanks in advance for any tips.
What you have is essentially run-length-encoded data which you can decode with repelem
which repeats each element the specified number of times
data = [20 1;20 7;45 3;127 17;102 1;90 1;64 1];
out = repelem(data(:,1), data(:,2))
If you actually need to make this a cell array like you've shown you can add the following step:
result(:,2) = num2cell(out);
If you are using a version of MATLAB older than R2015a (before repelem
was introduced) you can use the solution provided here to get similar functionality.