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load property file from external path using spring

I have to read property file from WildFly which is outside war in wildfly using spring, i tried it using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in spring and it is working but there is one issue.


<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location">

<bean id="getPropertyBean"
    <property name="prefixProp" value="${prefix}" />
    <property name="suffixProp" value="${suffix}" />
    <property name="newProp" value="${new}" />

here i am giving absolute path for, but i have to give relative path from the server as the path can be different for different machines. can anyone help me?


  • If you are using spring 4 , then specify property file path using ${}

    public class AppConfig 
     Environment env;

    Then set that app.home as system variable at startup. If you run spring application inside some container then set this property in the java startup options or vm arguments.

    java -jar -Dapp.home="/home/dev/config" example.jar