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handle subfolders after partitions in hive

I got my directory structure as follows.

  • /data/year=/month=/day=/source1/abc.log
  • /data/year=/month=/day=/source2/def.log
  • /data/year=/month=/day=/source3/xyz.log

I wanted to create a hive table with year, month, date as partitions but it is complaining about the subfolder 'source1' when I tried to do MSCK REPAIR TABLE.

Create table statement

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE SAMPLE ( col1 STRING, col2 STRING ) PARTITIONED BY (year STRING, month STRING, date STRING) STORED as ORC Location "s3n://blah/data/" TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress"="SNAPPY");

MSCK REPAIR TABLE give "unexpected component source1". Any idea how to create an external table without moving files around? Thanks for your help.


  • Could you please try setting the following property

      hive.msck.path.validation = skip (or) ignore

    in hive-site.xml and then perform 'MSCK REPAIR TABLE' on your table

    (refered from Hive Manual under 'Recover Partitions (MSCK REPAIR TABLE)' section)