The following code gives a chart with a single column for the count of a
. How do I tell ggvis to consider NA
as a group as well?
I guess a little hack could be turning NA
into a character but I was wondering if there is any more formal way to do that.
data_frame(group=c("a","a",NA)) %>%
group_by(group) %>% dplyr::summarise(count=n()) %>%
ggvis(x=~group,y=~count) %>% layer_bars()
You can use the handy function addNA
to add an explicit NA-level to factors. This should work as a workaround. Also, ggvis
seems to even have problem with the Text label "NA", so you must force it to show that label using scale_nominal("x", domain = c("a", NA))
, or rename the label (f.ex. to "<NA>", but that renders as "<NA>
" on my RStudio, so it's not a good solution)
data_frame(group=c("a","a",NA)) %>%
mutate(group = addNA(group)) %>%
group_by(group) %>% dplyr::summarise(count=n()) %>%
ggvis(x=~group,y=~count) %>%
layer_bars() %>%
scale_nominal("x", domain = c("a", NA))