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typo3 how to configure realurl for dd_googlesitemap

I use realurl in combination with dd_googlesitemap and news extension. The generated news url looks like /company/news/news-detail/detail/News/8/2016/newstitle/ and that's the right format.

But in _dd_googlesitemap_ the url is /company/news/news-detail///newstitle/. The month and year parameters where stripped. How could I configure the sitemap news markup in the realurl_conf.php? If you need some code snippets, let me know.


  • This feature is indeed missing in the version 4.3.0. However I have fixed it now and it will be integrated in the upcoming version 5.0.0.

    As there is no release date yet, there are 2 ways to get it:

    1. Use the master version
    2. Override the hook with the new one which you can find at

    Additionally a bit of configuration is required:

        tx_ddgooglesitemap.tx_news {
          hrDate = 1
          hrDate {
            day = j
            month = n
            year = Y