I have about 6 GameObjects with Tag (Model) after Move, Scale, Rotate how can I reset them back to start location when I click a button.
I am using Vuforia and Unity.
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
I have about 6 GameObjects with Tag (Model)
Find them all and store them into array.
GameObject[] models = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Model");
Move, Scale, Rotate how can I reset them back to start location when I click a button.
Get the position(Vector3
), scale(Vector3
) and rotation(Quaternion
) in the Start()
function, with a for
loop and store their values to temporary variables. When the Button
is clicked, call a function that sets the models position, scale and rotation to those values.
To call a function on a Button click, you can do that from the Editor or from Script. ButtonInstance.onClick.AddListener(() => yourFunctionToCall());
I am a Unity newbie
Nothing complicated here.
Vector3[] defaultPos;
Vector3[] defaultScale;
Quaternion[] defaultRot;
Transform[] models;
//Attach Button from the Editor
public Button resetButton;
void Start()
//Call to back up the Transform before moving, scaling or rotating the GameObject
void backUpTransform()
//Find GameObjects with Model tag
GameObject[] tempModels = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Model");
//Create pos, scale and rot, Transform array size based on sixe of Objects found
defaultPos = new Vector3[tempModels.Length];
defaultScale = new Vector3[tempModels.Length];
defaultRot = new Quaternion[tempModels.Length];
models = new Transform[tempModels.Length];
//Get original the pos, scale and rot of each Object on the transform
for (int i = 0; i < tempModels.Length; i++)
models[i] = tempModels[i].GetComponent<Transform>();
defaultPos[i] = models[i].position;
defaultScale[i] = models[i].localScale;
defaultRot[i] = models[i].rotation;
//Called when Button is clicked
void resetTransform()
//Restore the all the original pos, scale and rot of each GameOBject
for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++)
models[i].position = defaultPos[i];
models[i].localScale = defaultScale[i];
models[i].rotation = defaultRot[i];
void OnEnable()
//Register Button Events
resetButton.onClick.AddListener(() => resetTransform());
void OnDisable()
//Un-Register Button Events