How can I disable Print Screen functionality while my WPF application is running?
The use-case is that my client wants to avoid unnecessary replication of valuable patient-centric data from the outside world and they provide the physical security to keep people from taking data through non-digital means.
It's not possible to disable printing, and even if it were possible, it would be easily circumvented by a cell phone camera. Many are in the megapixel resolution range, making it quite easy for someone to get the information they want.
If you want to disable the Print Screen
Key on your keyboard, Jodrell's answer gives a way of doing that (understanding that it's not going to keep people from printing, and a determined user will find a way around that).
Really, it all comes down to trust. If an employer can't trust their employees not to remove data that is already protected by law in most jurisdictions (HIPAA in the USA), then there's a bigger issue at stake.