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How to dynamically change serialized groups in symfony jms fosrestbundle?

Hello I'd like to dynamically change the groups of my serialization context.

The code :

 * @Rest\Get("", name="bap_api_space_query")
 * @Rest\View(serializerGroups={"Default", "space_dashboard", "dashboard_resource"})
 * @ApiDoc(resource=true,description="List all spaces this user has access to")
public function queryAction(Request $request)
    $user = $this->getUser()->reload();
    $organization = $user->getOrganization();

    // depending the request, remove or add serialized group
    // for example $view->setSerializationGroups('dashboard');

    return $organization->getSpaces();

As commented in the code, i'd like to remove or add group in the controller . Is there a way to do it ?


  • The solution is pretty easy after 5hours of research :

    public function queryAction(Request $request)
        $user = $this->getUser()->reload();
        $organization = $user->getOrganization();
        // filter spaces where org has an active contract
        $context = new Context();
        $spaces = $organization->getSpaces();
        $view = $this->view($spaces, 200);
        return $this->handleView($view);