I am creating mobile app which uses geolocation plugin and I want show popup to enable GPS when GPS is turned off. How to detect whether GPS is on or off and how to show location setting to on GPS?
It can be done using the following Cordova Plugin: https://github.com/dpa99c/cordova-diagnostic-plugin
Add the plugin:
ionic plugin add cordova.plugins.diagnostic
Check for GPS whether it is enabled or not as below,
cordova.plugins.diagnostic.isLocationEnabled(successCallback, errorCallback);
If GPS is not enabled, Open Location settings as below,
Complete code:
cordova.plugins.diagnostic.isLocationEnabled(successCallback, errorCallback);
function successCallback(res){
console.log("Location is " + (res ? "Enabled" : "not Enabled"));
!res ? cordova.plugins.diagnostic.switchToLocationSettings() : '';
function errorCallback(err){
console.log("Error: "+JSON.stringify(err));