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What is the 'twisted' way of consuming messages from rabbitmq and forwarding them through its client connections?

I am writing a websocket server in twisted to learn the framework. It will be receiving messages from a rabbitmq broker, and and sending out updates to connected clients. If I want to broadcast/multi-cast many messages at a time through many client connections, is calling (just as an example) deferToThread(channel.basic_consume, queue), or callInThread(" ") a very good option for doing so?

If not, what would be the twisted way of consuming messages from rabbitmq and forwarding them to connected clients?

My strategy is thus so far:

reactor_thread: listen on port(x) to setup and maintain client connections

other_thread: subscribe to a rabbitmq queue and consume messages if any (goes on forever)


  • is calling (just as an example) deferToThread(channel.basic_consume, queue), or callInThread(" ") a very good option for doing so?

    Using threads won't really provide much benefit in this situation since messages are already queued in RabbitMQ. I've been in similar situations in the past and I can give you a high level overview of what I did to solve the problem without using threads. Disclaimer: I haven't worked with RabbitMQ or Websockets for a year or 2 so my knowledge may be a bit fuzzy.

    List Connected Clients

    Assuming you're using autobahn for websockets, you can add a variable in the factory class (autobahn.twisted.websocket.WebSocketServerFactory) which will keep track of connected clients. Either list or dict will work fine.

    factory = WebSocketServerFactory()
    factory.connection_list = []

    The connection_list variable will store protocol objects (autobahn.twisted.websocket.WebSocketServerProtocol) after a connection is made. In the protocol, you would need to overload the connectionMade function to append the protocol (self in this case) into self.factory.connection_list.

    def connectionMade(self):
        super(WSProtocol, self).connectionMade()

    It's probably best to create something like a "onConnect deferred" for flexibility but this is the gist of it. Maybe autobahn provides an interface to do so.


    Using pika, you can consume messages asynchronously by using this example. Make the changes to channel and exchange names as necessary to make it work with your setup. Then we're going to make 2 changes. First we'll pass in factory.connection_list to the callbacks, then when a message is consumed, we'll write it to the connected client's protocols.

    def run(connection, proto_list):
        l = task.LoopingCall(read, queue_object, proto_list)
    def read(queue_object, proto_list):
        if body:
            for client in sorted(proto_list):
                yield client.write(body)
        yield ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
    d.addCallback(run, factory.connection_list)

    In the read callback function, every time a message is consumed, the looping task will iterate the list of connected clients and send them the message.