I'm having trouble getting a response from server side NodeJS code after checking out using PayPal In-Context via the paypal-rest-sdk.
I have a PayPal form defined in html, and purposefully did not define the action. I only defined the id and method (get). In my Angular code, I define the action when the PayPal button is clicked:
var payPalForm = document.getElementById('payPalForm');
payPalForm.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
payPalForm.setAttribute('action', "" +
$scope.user._id + "/" + $scope.viewEvent._id.valueOf() + "/" +
$scope.viewEvent.eventName + "/" + $scope.viewEvent.price);
By doing this, I am able to successfully checkout via PayPal In-Context.
In my NodeJS code, after successful checkout, instead of return res.end();
if successful or res.sendStatus(400, 'bad paypal payment');
if failure, I would like to pass the status back to the Angular, and handle it there.
To reiterate: I do not want to define the post PayPal In-Context route in NodeJS, I would like to do it in Angular.
I need to do this being I am using Onsen UI, and am using a splitter to navigate between pages.
Has anyone successfully done this?
I have tried this before, but after attempting to implement Ilia Sky's Answer, the result is the PayPal In-Context checkout does not execute correctly. The script runs correctly (as determined by output in the terminal), but the In-Context window loads with "?" as a parameter and then immediately closes itself. Here are screenshots on how I updated my code. The commented out code is what I had when I was able to successfully checkout, but unable to redirect properly:
I think this is an issue with PayPal, and I'm not sure how to solve it.
This is why I'm wondering if I can listen for a redirect in Angular, and then load a different page when a certain redirect is identified.
I tried this in my Angular controllers, but it only ever executed when the initial page loaded:
I encourage everyone to check out this link.
One of the PayPal developers has posted a sample Kraken with Angular example of the PayPal In-Context Checkout.