I am using roadie-rails gem for mailers. Here is my simple code to display image in mail
<td style="padding-left:25px; padding-top:15px;">
<%= image_tag( 'school_mailers/mail_2_logo.png' ) %>
But when i inspect the image url in mail it is https://staging.pw/images/school_mailers/mail_2_logo.png
instead it should be https://staging.pw/assets/school_mailers/mail_2_logo-digest.png
The thing is when i send scheduled mailers using whenever gem, the mail is perfect with all images.
Does anybody have an idea about why its not displayed in other mailers?
The actual problem is with assets precompilation,
I do have two servers( web and worker ). All assets have been precompiled only in web server. So 'whenever' gem sends mail from web server and delayed_job sends from worker server.
Adding below in deploy.rb made it work
set :assets_roles, [:web, :worker]