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Unable to send parameters in @html.actionlink to partialview

I have one actionlink inside the foreach loop. Depending on the model items I am generating link buttons with values dynamically. This is how it looks

@foreach (var group in Model.records)
        <td>@Html.ActionLink(@group.clientId.ToString(), "detailsbyClientId", "DocumentVerification", new { id = @group.clientId.ToString()},null)</td>

On clicking link button i am calling partial view as below.

public PartialViewResult detailsbyClientId(int? clientId)
    return PartialView();

I am receiving a null value for clientId but @group.clientId.ToString() contains a valid value.


  • The parameter in your method is named clientId but your generating a query string value named id. Change one or the other to match

    public PartialViewResult detailsbyClientId(int? ID)

    and in the view

    @Html.ActionLink(@group.clientId.ToString(), "detailsbyClientId", "DocumentVerification", new { id = group.clientId },null)

    Note you do not need the @ nor .ToString() in the 4th parameter - just new { id = group.clientId }