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Use NSValue to wrap a C pointer

I have a C type pointer variable:

a_c_type *cTypePointer = [self getCTypeValue];

How can I convert cTypePointer to NSObject type & vise versa?

Should I use NSValue? What is the proper way to do so with NSValue?


  • You can indeed use a NSValue.

    a_c_type *cTypePointer = [self getCTypeValue];
    NSValue * storableunit = [NSValue valueWithBytes:cTypePointer objCType:@encode(a_c_type)];

    note that the 1st parameter is a pointer (void*). the object will contain the pointed value.

    to get back to C:

    a_c_type element;
    [value getValue:&element];

    Note that you would get the actual value, not the pointer. But then, you can just

     a_c_type *cTypePointer = &element

    Test it :

    - (void) testCVal
        double save = 5.2;
        NSValue * storageObjC = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&save objCType:@encode(double)];
        double restore;
        [storageObjC getValue:&restore];
        XCTAssert(restore == save, @"restore should be equal to the saved value");

    test with ptr :

    typedef struct
        NSInteger day;
        NSInteger month;
        NSInteger year;
    } CDate;
    - (void) testCVal
        CDate save = (CDate){8, 10, 2016};
        CDate* savePtr = &save;
        NSValue * storageObjC = [NSValue valueWithBytes:savePtr objCType:@encode(CDate)];
        CDate restore;
        [storageObjC getValue:&restore];
        CDate* restorePtr = &restore;
        XCTAssert(restorePtr->day == savePtr->day && restorePtr->month == savePtr->month && restorePtr->year == savePtr->year, @"restore should be equal to the saved value");