I've read the threads and package updates for encoding issues with Shiny, but I have a (difficult-to-reproduce example) database-driven Shiny app which is fumbling some special characters.
In my postgresql database I see correctly my Swedish river, "Upper Umeälven River", which - when I filter it back to the Shiny interface with dplyr:
names.rivers <- filter(tbl.rivers, Country == "Sweden")
...becomes "Upper Umeälven River" in R.
I'm using UTF-8 encoding locally; I guess I'm losing something on the exchange with the database.
[1] "LC_COLLATE=French_France.1252;LC_CTYPE=French_France.1252;LC_MONETARY=French_France.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=French_France.1252"
Apologies again for the lack of example, it's ONLY an issue pulling from the database. I suspect I'm missing a flag on some sanitizing function someplace, but need some help getting pointed the right direction.
As suspected, the answer was simple:
iconv(vector.to.convert, "UTF-8")
My "learnings":
My understanding is a bit shallow, but - frankly - I'm not digging deeper into the world of character encoding for the moment. I hope it helps someone else avoid the error!