I would like to represent a grid for a timetable in a UML class diagram ahead of creating the software, but online resources make this confusing.
I know columns and rows (which is what I want) can be represented like this:
+ <<column>> Monday: String
+ <<column>> Tuesday: String
+ ...
+ <<row>> 9am: String
+ <<row>> 10am: String
The problem with this is that it doesn't act like a grid. From what I understand, this would treat the columns and rows seperately and not like coordinates: e.g. if I wanted to set something for Monday, 9am.
My question is, how could I go about doing this? Is there a step that I'm missing, or am I thinking about this in a completely wrong way?
If you really want to represent timetable by showing it hour by hour you should build your timetable as a (ordered) set of week days which in turns will be build of (ordered again) hours. In such case the diagram will look like that:
Moreover do not represent objects as parts of classes. Use another classes and if it's necessary mark it's multiplicity.
As a result you'll end up with 3 classes.
Note also that this is the simplest version. I would also recommend using some enumerators for names of DayOfWeek and for HourOfDay. Your diagram might look like that:
This is also with the approach that you specifically want to represent the presentation. It's definitely better to build the class for Activities and this part use only for GUI.