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The operand for the method is not an element ax 2012

I am getting below error when I compile.

Operand for the method is not an element for code

DataSourceName dataSourceName = queryDataSourceStr(DMF***TargetEntity, DMF****PostalAddressView);

Error Line is appearing under "DMF****PostalAddressView".

Confused with the error appearing at this place. Any help is appreciated.


  • This question isn't very clear, but it has something to do with your environment.

    queryDataSourceStr accepts two parameters like this:

    queryDataSourceStr(queryName, dataSourceName)

    So for your line

    queryDataSourceStr(DMF***TargetEntity, DMF****PostalAddressView);

    Go to the AOT>\Queries\DMF***TargetEntity and look for the DataSource DMF****PostalAddressView and see if it exists.

    See if you've customized that query, if config keys are on/off, or if you are missing model files. DMF objects are apart of the data migration framework.