I am getting below error when I compile.
Operand for the method is not an element for code
DataSourceName dataSourceName = queryDataSourceStr(DMF***TargetEntity, DMF****PostalAddressView);
Error Line is appearing under "DMF****PostalAddressView".
Confused with the error appearing at this place. Any help is appreciated.
This question isn't very clear, but it has something to do with your environment.
accepts two parameters like this:
queryDataSourceStr(queryName, dataSourceName)
So for your line
queryDataSourceStr(DMF***TargetEntity, DMF****PostalAddressView);
Go to the AOT>\Queries\DMF***TargetEntity
and look for the DataSource DMF****PostalAddressView
and see if it exists.
See if you've customized that query, if config keys are on/off, or if you are missing model files. DMF
objects are apart of the data migration framework.