Filter baseaded in .state ID field.
I have this state:
.state("nhaac.ofertas_restaurante", {
url: "/ofertas_restaurante/:cadastra_oferta_cod_fornecedor",
views: {
"nhaac-side_menus" : {
controller: "restaurantePromocoesCtrl"
Where I get an ID from a Json file (or Object array).
And I want get this field ID and filter in a View, listing only registers that contain the ID from the state:
ng-repeat="item in ofertass | filter:????????"
How I can do this?
You can grab the dynamic variable of your state url with $stateParams in your controller. In this case its $stateParams.cadastra_oferta_cod_fornecedor since you've declared the state url to be /ofertas_restaurante/:cadastra_oferta_cod_fornecedor. Use this to create a custom filter where you're matching the ids.
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $stateParams) {
angular.extend($scope, {
filterById: function(item) {
return item.cadastra_oferta_cod_fornecedor === $stateParams.cadastra_oferta_cod_fornecedor;
<div ng-repeat="item in ofertass | filter:filterById(item)"></div>