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Using CategoricalFeaturesInfo with DecisionTreeClassifier method in Spark

I have to use this code:

val dt = new DecisionTreeClassifier().setLabelCol("indexedLabel").setFeaturesCol("indexedFeatures").setImpurity(impurity).setMaxBins(maxBins).setMaxDepth(maxDepth);

I need to add categorical features information so that the decision tree doesn't treat the indexedCategoricalFeatures as numerical. I have this map:

val categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map(143 -> 126, 144 -> 5, 145 -> 216, 146 -> 100, 147 -> 14, 148 -> 8, 149 -> 19, 150 -> 7);

However it only works with DecisionTree.trainClassifier method. I can't use this method because it accepts different arguments than the one I have... I would really want to be able to use the DecisionTreeClassifier with categorical features treated properly.

Thank your for your help!


  • You're mixing two different APIs which take different approach to categorical data:

    • RDD based o.a.s.mllib which provides required metadata by passing categoricalFeaturesInfo map.
    • Dataset (DataFrame) which is using column metadata to determine variable types. If you correctly use ML transformers to create features this should be handled automatically for you, otherwise you'll have to provide metadata manually.