I have currency input strings like these.
...I only need 50
...I only need 60
, need to remove $
and .59
...I only need 360
...I only need 36
, need to remove €
and .99
...I only need 900
...I only need 90
In other words, I need to remove all currency symbols from the start of the string and I only need the integer value -- the decimal values can be cut off.
I would recommend not using a regular expression, as it's overkill for this scenario.
$str = (int)ltrim($str, '$£€');
this is all you need.
I ran the above test through a script to see what the time difference is between my answer and using a RegEx, and on average the RegEx solution was ~20% slower.
function funcA($a) {
echo (int)ltrim($a, '$£€');
function funcB($a) {
echo preg_replace('/^.*?([0-9]+).*$/', '$1', $a);
//setup (only run once):
function changeDataA() {}
function changeDataB() {}
$loops = 50000;
$timeA = 0.0;
$timeB = 0.0;
$prefix = str_split('€$€');
for($i=0; $i<$loops; ++$i) {
$a = $prefix[rand(0,2)] . rand(1,999) . '.' . rand(10,99);
$start = microtime(1);
$timeA += microtime(1) - $start;
$start = microtime(1);
$timeB += microtime(1) - $start;
$timeA = round(1000000 * ($timeA / $loops), 3);
$timeB = round(1000000 * ($timeB / $loops), 3);
echo "
TimeA averaged $timeA microseconds
TimeB averaged $timeB microseconds
Timings vary depending on system load, so times should be considered only relative to each other, not compared between executions. Also this isn't a perfect script for performance benchmarking, there are outside influences that can affect these results, but this gives a general idea.
TimeA averaged 5.976 microseconds
TimeB averaged 6.831 microseconds