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How to create a dump file in hex format from python

I have a array of integer which I want to dump in one binary file (HEX file to be specific) using python script I have written a code as

MemDump = Debug.readMemory(ic.IConnectDebug.fRealTime, 0, 0xB0009CC4, 0xCFF, 1)

    MemData = MemDump[:3321]
    # Create New file in binary mode and open for writing
    fp = open("MON.dmp", 'w')
    sys.stdout = fp
    for byte in MemData:

Here MemDump contains an array of integer values. From this array first 3321 bytes I want to dump in file. Here I am getting the the output in file MON.dmp but in ASCII fromat. and if I create file in binary format using

fp = open("MON.dmp", 'wb')

print(byte) command gives me an error saying

'str' does not support the buffer interface

Thank you in Advance.


  • You need to convert byte to a binary string before you can write it to a file opened in 'wb' mode. This can be done using the bytearray() function. So in this case you should use:

    for byte in MemData: