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Can I use the Facebook graph api to get user's friends profiles pictures?

I'm new to facebook development, after testing the adobe api in a flash game I decided to test using the graph api communicating with my flash game. After doing basic stuff like connecting and getting my user's data, i was wondering if it's posible to get my user's friends profile pcitures, so i can pass them to UILoaders inside my flash game and show them.

If anyone can point me to examples of basic actions which use the facebook graph api, like invite friends or posting to the wall for example, that would be wonderful.



Using Nathan's suggestion I tried to get my friends and it worked:

$friends= $facebook->api('/me/friends?token='.$session['access_token']);

Then I tried to get my friend's pictures with:

foreach ($friends['data'] as $friend)
        $picture= $facebook->api('/'.$friend['id'].'/photo');

But it didn't work. any idea ?



  • You first have to get the list of friends then for each of the friends you can request That will give you the url of their current profile photo.