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GoogleAuth library loading with promises

I am trying to load google authentication library using promises, but I fail when I try to call gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance() and return it in promise;

Here's how I am doing this:

var loadPlatform = function ($q) {
    var deferred = $q.defer(),
        platform = document.createElement('script');

    platform.src ='';
    platform.type = 'text/javascript';
    platform.async = true;
    platform.defer = true;
    platform.onload = deferred.resolve;
    platform.onerror = deferred.reject;


    return deferred.promise;

//I return this from other function
return loadPlatform($q)
    .then(function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer();

        gapi.load('auth2', function () {

        return deferred.promise;
    .then(function (auth2) {
        //This function retuns Promise
        return auth2.init(params);
    .then(function (GoogleAuth) {
        //Here I should have solved GoogleAuth object

Everything works until I return auth2.init(params) then browser freezes. What's happening here?


  • I just experienced the same issue.

    It seems like you can't chain the init() promise of the auth2 object.

    I had to wrap around it to avoid the browser freeze.

    return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
        client_id: this._clientId,
        scope: 'profile'
      }).then(() => resolve());

    Also it was interesting that I could not apply the resolve function directly.



    As said above, the returned object of the init() call is not a promise, it is kind of a wrapper and only returns a real promise once you called the .then method

    enter image description here

    return gapi.auth2.init({
      client_id: this._clientId,
      scope: 'profile'
    // Auth2 only returns a promise, when we chained into the PromiseLike object once.