I ran into this issue when exploring uses of the Condition class in AssertJ 3.5.2 on Java 8. I can create a Condition instance for a generically-typed List, but I get error messages in Eclipse when I try to use it :
Condition<List<MyBean>> listCond =
new Condition<>(list -> true, "test"); // OK
this.assertThat(myList).has(listCond); // DOES NOT COMPILE
The error message I get is :
The method has(Condition<? super List<? extends MyBean>>) in the type
AbstractListAssert<capture#8-of ?,List<? extends MyBean>,MyBean,ObjectAssert<MyBean>> is not
applicable for the arguments (Condition<List<MyBean>>)
Is there a solution for this or another approach in AssertJ to do a holistic check of a list (not just item by item but a check based on sequence or aggregation)?
I believe that declaring your condition like this should solve the compile error :
Condition<? super List<? extends MyBean>> listCond = new Condition<>(list -> true, "test");