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"Check All" vs "Build/ReBuild All" in GeoTest ATEasy software development environment

I am using ATEasy software development environment to develop automatic tests.

The ATEasy version is 6-136b.

In one of the projects I use a third party driver that is password protected, so I cannot look at its code.

when I want to compile and check for errors (by clicking Check All) I am getting:

Compiling ...
Compiler error #570: Expected integer expression, found in 'A2D.API_RemoteRegister' in line 3

But, when I am trying to compile & build the project (by clicking Build or Rebuild all), I get this:

    ------ Rebuild All started: Project: ST ------
Compiling ...
No Errors

Creating 'D:\ST.exe' ...

When I run the ST.EXE everything works fine.

How can it be? In both cases, I see that it compiles the code (Compiling ...)


  • I asked this question in the ATEasy forum and got this replay:

    Check All - checks all procedure no matter if they were referenced in your project. Build and Rebuild All - only checks your project referenced procedures. Since in your project you are not calling API_RemoteRegister the error you have will not shown.

    I checked a little further and found out that if there are no references to a function, the compiler dosent add it to the compilation.

    If you want to add a function to the compilation anyway you can do it by:

    right click the function --> properties --> check "compile"