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Tomcat with Eclipse: Made a copy of webapp and renamed, the context path does not change

I had a webapp named Test, it was running some servlets on the path /Test , by default, taking the appname as the context path.

I made a copy of this project in Eclipse, and renamed it to TestNew, now when i run this on tomcat (from within eclipse) it still runs on /Test, though if i had created a new app, it would have run on /TestNew

I tried looking for the setting or the appname in web.xml , pom.xml etc, but i could not find the appropriate place to change this.

Any ideas?


  • Ok, I was able to resolve the issue. When we make a copy and rename the project, it doesn't update in certain places, specifically, in .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file.

    So, just open the file and replace the old appName to new appName everwhere it appears. In my case,

    <wb-module deploy-name="appName">
            <property name="java-output-path" value="/appName/target/classes"/>
            <property name="context-root" value="appName"/>

    and Done! Now tomcat from inside eclipse gets the correct name.

    (Not sure whether we would have faced the same issue in an external tomcat deployment, as the .settings/file seems only relevant to eclipse)