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Odoo - Cannot loop through model records

I want to call a method every time my module gets installed or updated. Inside that method I want to loop through model records, but I'm only getting different errors.

This documentation looks pretty straightforward:

But it doesn't work for me. I'm getting this error:

ParseError: "'' object has no attribute '_ids'" while parsing

This is how I call the method:

        <function model="" name="_my_method" />

I took this from the first answer here:

My model:

class my_account_tax(models.Model):
    _name = ''
    _inherit = ''

    def _my_method(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):

    def do_operation(self):
        print self
        for record in self:
            print record

It is basically a copy-paste from the docs. I only added method parameters cr, uid,.. If I take them away (and just leave 'self'), the error is a little different:

ParseError: "_my_method() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)"

But also does not tell much.


  • use new api

    @api.multi    #if you use the new api you don't have to list all parameter in the function
    def _my_method(self): 

    but you can keep it like that and do a pool on your model than loop throw the result that you get don't use self if you use the new api use : self.env['model_name'].search([domain])