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Django URL Pattern not triggered

I am trying to implement an approve and decline functionality of a profile using the following approach:


So I wrote the following URL pattern:

urlpatterns = i18n_patterns(
    url(r'^user/area/decline/(?P<userid>\[0-9]+)/$', views.DeclineUser),
    url(r'^user/area/approve/(?P<userid>\[0-9]+)/$', views.ApproveUser),
    url(r'^user/area/$', views.Index),

And my views:

def DeclineUser(request, userid=""):
    print("Here: " + userid)

def ApproveUser(request, userid=""):
    print("Here: " + userid)

But something is wrong and the methods are not triggered and the Index is triggered instead so I guess the problem is that the URL RegEx is not matching what I need.


  • Both of your url's have a \ in them so you are escaping the opening [ bracket, you just need to remove those slashes.

    url(r'^user/area/decline/(?P<userid>[0-9]+)/$', views.DeclineUser),
    url(r'^user/area/approve/(?P<userid>[0-9]+)/$', views.ApproveUser),