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Spring AOP Exclude Some Classes

I'm using Spring AspectJ for logging method execution statistics, however, I want to exclude some classes and methods from this without changing the pointcut expression.

To exclude certain methods I created a custom annotation which I use to filter out. However I'm unable to do the same with classes.

Here is my aspect definition -

@Around("execution(**.*(..)) "
            + "&& !@annotation(")
public Object log(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {
    // logging logic here

NoLogging is my custom annotation for excluding methods.

So how can I filter out certain classes without changing pointcut expression and without adding new advisors?


  • Okay so I found the solution - use @target PCD (pointcut designators) to filter out classes with specific annotation. In this case I already have the @NoLogging annotation so I can use that. The updated pointcut expression will then become as follows -

    @Around("execution(**.*(..)) "
                + "&& !@annotation(" 
                + "&& !@target(")
    public Object log(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {
        // logging logic here

    Explanation -

    execution(**.*(..)) - all methods of all classes in c.f.b.w.controller package

    "&& !@annotation(" - which do NOT have @NoLogging annotation on them

    "&& !@target(" - and whose class also does NOT have @NoLogging annotation.

    So now I simply have to add @NoLogging annotation to any class whose methods I want to be excluded from the aspect.

    More PCD can be found in Spring AOP documentation -