I have a job that loads a data file from a different location each time. I'd like to submit the same job JAR and just pass a different location to it using the Config.java parameter of the runJavaJob() API.
I do not see a way to pass key/value configuration to the snappy-job.sh Usage.
How would I do this?
You can set the key value pairs as part of APP_PROPS environment setting before firing the snappy-job.sh. We have demonstrated it in our Getting Started section.
$ export APP_PROPS="consumerKey=,consumerSecret=,accessToken=,accessTokenSecret="
$ ./bin/snappy-job.sh submit --lead localhost:8090 --app-name TwitterPopularTagsJob --class io.snappydata.examples.TwitterPopularTagsJob --app-jar ./lib/quickstart-0.2.1-PREVIEW.jar --stream