Is there a way to have newsslider extension working with the latest tx_news(news system) 4.0.0 on a fresh installed typo3 7.6.0 besides digging into code? The extension installation warning says that it requires a manual intervention? The page where the plugin is inserted gives Fatal error: Call to a member function wrapClickMenuOnIcon() on null in typo3conf/ext/newsslider/Classes/Hooks/PageLayoutView.php on line 252 viewed in backend.
What is the solution for having any kind of a newsslider with above typo3 version and news system version?
As written already in the comment, the best way is to use a templateLayout.
Add the following into the Page TsConfig:
tx_news.templateLayouts {
10 = Slider
And then you can select the entry "Slider" in the plugin. Inside the template, you can now check {settings.templateLayout}
by using a <f:if>
and change the markup you need for the slider.
The great advantages using this way are: