This may be a very simple question, but I haven't been in touch with Algorithms since a while.
I have a logarithmic scale of 20,100,500,2500,12500 which relates to 1,2,3,4,5 on the respectively. Now, I want to find out as to where the value 225 would lie on the scale above? And also, going the other way round, how would I find out as to what the value for 2.3 interpret to on the scale. Would be great if someone can help me with the answer and explanation for this.
Note that each step in the scale multiplies the previous step by 5.
So the explicit formula for your output is
y = 4 * 5^x
x = log-base-5(y/4)
log-base-5(n) = log(n)/log(5)
if you want to compute it in code. That last line is called the change of base formula, and is explained here You can use either a natural log or common log on the right side of the formula, it doesn't matter.