I'm getting this error. I've read posts that said to use a Using block, but I have one and I'm still getting the error.
My code-behind is:
protected void btnEdit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
MdlCommentsExtender.Enabled = true;
Button button = (Button)sender;
string buttonId = button.ID;
string[] tokens = buttonId.Split('-');
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnCST"].ToString();
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand();
cmd2.Connection = conn;
string CmdTxt = "Select CBL.ID, CBL.[Category], CBL.[Provision], CTL.MarkForReview, CTL.IssueType, CTL.Resolution, CTL.Feedback, CTL.TemplateID";
CmdTxt = CmdTxt + " from [tblCSTBenefitList] CBL";
CmdTxt = CmdTxt + " LEFT JOIN tblCSTTemplateList CTL";
CmdTxt = CmdTxt + " ON CBL.ID = CTL.BenefitID";
CmdTxt = CmdTxt + " where CBL.ID > '0'";
CmdTxt = CmdTxt + " ORDER BY CBL.[Category], CBL.[Provision] ASC";
cmd2.CommandText = CmdTxt;
SqlDataReader reader;
reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
lblBenCatX.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["Category"]);
lblBenProvX.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["Provision"]);
txtCommentBox.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["Feedback"]);
catch (Exception ex)
//txtCommentBox.Text = "First: " + tokens[0] + " and then " + tokens[1] + "";
It's happening on the conn.Open();
line. Any ideas?
You are trying to open the connection twice, you have conn.Open()
2 times in your method, but you are newer closing the connection before trying to "re-open" it.
Are you sure you want to open the connection twice? Try removing the second conn.Open()
, that should actually work.