I have a linked list pretty printer which takes the input from command prompt. E.g., print xyz
My code is something like below:
class Randomcalss:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = int(val)
def to_string(self):
return "printing linked list:"
def children(self):
for field in self.val.type.fields():
key = field.name
val = self.val[key]
yield key,val.dereference()
It does work as expected, and prints:
printing linked list:= {head = {next = 0x625590, prev = 0x623c70}}
But if I want to traverse the linked list and proceed further what do I do. Because every time I try to access head['next'] it says head is a string and string indices must be integers.
Cant I do something like self.val[key] to access next node of head too?
You can do val.dereference()['next'] and this will give you address of next member of the list. You can cast the value obtained(if required) and traverse further.