Apologies in advance for this question; I only have a vague understanding of what I'm trying to do so searching for help has not produced very useful info.
Essentially my question is this. I have a data frame that looks like this, with 12 rows for each of the 300 hh_ids, one for each month:
hh_ids date income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
1 KELDK01 2012-11-1 62.70588 40.52941 0 0.000000 0.000000
2 KELDK01 2012-12-1 17.64706 42.43530 0 1.058824 7.058824
3 KELDK01 2013-01-1 91.76471 48.23529 0 0.000000 0.000000
4 KELDK01 2013-02-1 91.76470 107.52940 0 0.000000 0.000000
5 KELDK01 2013-03-1 116.47060 114.47060 0 0.000000 0.000000
6 KELDK01 2013-04-1 124.41180 118.29410 0 2.705882 17.647060
7 KELDK01 2013-05-1 137.23530 105.00000 0 1.411765 1.882353
8 KELDK01 2013-06-1 131.52940 109.54120 0 4.352942 2.941176
9 KELDK01 2013-07-1 121.52940 113.47060 0 2.352941 25.882350
10 KELDK01 2013-08-1 123.32940 86.50588 0 2.588235 2.941176
I want to see if there is any correlation between expenditure category "clothing" with each other expenditure category (approx. 10) for each household over the course of the year. I want to then create a new data frame with only the households that have a significant correlation between "clothing" and another expenditure category.
Any thoughts on how I'd tackle this problem?
(p.s. I'm trying to investigate if this is any cross-product substitution between "clothing" and other expenditure categories, and to isolate the HH's that do show that behavior. If i'm being an idiot and there's a better way to do it, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!)
EDIT: In response to the requests to see work thus far: Its rather embarassing but I've been doing in manually- figured that I'd spend about equal time figuring out how to do it properly.
I subsetted df in df_cloth (for households that have expenditure in cloth >0 over the course of the year), which is 140 HH.
I then did:
df_cloth_cor<-select(df_cloth,income,consumption,alcohol,cleaning_material, clothing)
I then recorded the correlation coefficients in excel by household, with a column for each variable cloth is correlated with.
I've changed your example a bit to include 2 different ids. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "significant correlation". Large value, or statistically significant? I've included both cases here.
1. Correlation value and p value
# example dataset
dt = read.table(text="hh_ids date income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
KELDK01 2012-11-1 62.70588 40.52941 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2012-12-1 17.64706 42.43530 0 1.058824 7.058824
KELDK01 2013-01-1 91.76471 48.23529 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-02-1 91.76470 107.52940 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-03-1 116.47060 114.47060 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-04-1 124.41180 118.29410 0 2.705882 17.647060
KELDK02 2013-05-1 137.23530 105.00000 0 1.411765 1.882353
KELDK02 2013-06-1 131.52940 109.54120 0 4.352942 2.941176
KELDK02 2013-07-1 121.52940 113.47060 0 2.352941 25.882350
KELDK02 2013-08-1 123.32940 86.50588 0 2.588235 2.941176",
sep="", header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
# hh_ids date income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
# 1 KELDK01 2012-11-1 62.70588 40.52941 0 0.000000 0.000000
# 2 KELDK01 2012-12-1 17.64706 42.43530 0 1.058824 7.058824
# 3 KELDK01 2013-01-1 91.76471 48.23529 0 0.000000 0.000000
# 4 KELDK01 2013-02-1 91.76470 107.52940 0 0.000000 0.000000
# 5 KELDK01 2013-03-1 116.47060 114.47060 0 0.000000 0.000000
# 6 KELDK01 2013-04-1 124.41180 118.29410 0 2.705882 17.647060
# 7 KELDK02 2013-05-1 137.23530 105.00000 0 1.411765 1.882353
# 8 KELDK02 2013-06-1 131.52940 109.54120 0 4.352942 2.941176
# 9 KELDK02 2013-07-1 121.52940 113.47060 0 2.352941 25.882350
# 10 KELDK02 2013-08-1 123.32940 86.50588 0 2.588235 2.941176
# create a function that calculates correlation and p value given 2 vectors
Get_cor_and_pval = function(d,n1,n2,id){
# create 2 vectors based on names of variables and the id
x = d[,n1][dt$hh_ids==id]
y = d[,n2][dt$hh_ids==id]
# calculate correlation and p value
test = cor.test(x,y)
c = test$estimate # keep correlation value
p = test$p.value # keep p value
return(data.frame(c = c, p = p, row.names = NULL))
# specify combinations of variables to calculate correlation
names1 = "clothing"
names2 = c("income","consumption","alcohol","cleaning_materials")
dt_combs = expand.grid(names1=names1, names2=names2, stringsAsFactors = F)
# names1 names2
# 1 clothing income
# 2 clothing consumption
# 3 clothing alcohol
# 4 clothing cleaning_materials
# process to get correlations and p values for each variable combination and each id
dt %>%
select(hh_ids) %>% distinct() %>% # select unique ids
group_by(hh_ids) %>% # for each id
do(data.frame(.,dt_combs)) %>% # get all combinations of interest
rowwise() %>% # for each id and combination
do(data.frame(., # keep id and combination
Get_cor_and_pval(dt,.$names1,.$names2,.$hh_ids), # get correlation and p value
stringsAsFactors=F)) %>% # factor variables as character
ungroup() # forget groupings
# # A tibble: 8 x 5
# hh_ids names1 names2 c p
# * <chr> <fctr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 KELDK01 clothing income 0.1713298 7.455198e-01
# 2 KELDK01 clothing consumption 0.3220463 5.336309e-01
# 3 KELDK01 clothing alcohol NA NA
# 4 KELDK01 clothing cleaning_materials 0.9999636 1.989337e-09
# 5 KELDK02 clothing income -0.6526867 3.473133e-01
# 6 KELDK02 clothing consumption 0.5376850 4.623150e-01
# 7 KELDK02 clothing alcohol NA NA
# 8 KELDK02 clothing cleaning_materials -0.1416633 8.583367e-01
The last data frame shows you what is the correlation between all pairs of interest, for each id. Alcohol variable is always 0 and creates this NA values. You can use your own filters to keep the rows you like.
Note that for 300 ids and 6 variables it will work well. For a much lager number of ids (millions) and for many variables it might become slower and there could be a more efficient way to do that.
2. Correlation value
In case you're interested just in the correlation values and not the p values, then the code is much shorter:
# example dataset
dt = read.table(text="hh_ids date income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
KELDK01 2012-11-1 62.70588 40.52941 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2012-12-1 17.64706 42.43530 0 1.058824 7.058824
KELDK01 2013-01-1 91.76471 48.23529 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-02-1 91.76470 107.52940 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-03-1 116.47060 114.47060 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-04-1 124.41180 118.29410 0 2.705882 17.647060
KELDK02 2013-05-1 137.23530 105.00000 0 1.411765 1.882353
KELDK02 2013-06-1 131.52940 109.54120 0 4.352942 2.941176
KELDK02 2013-07-1 121.52940 113.47060 0 2.352941 25.882350
KELDK02 2013-08-1 123.32940 86.50588 0 2.588235 2.941176",
sep="", header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
dt %>%
group_by(hh_ids) %>% # for each id
do(data.frame(cor(.[,3:7]))[5,]) %>% # keep columns 3 to 7 (numeric columns), get the correlation matrix and keep row 5 (row for income and all other)
# # A tibble: 2 x 6
# hh_ids income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 KELDK01 0.1713298 0.3220463 NA 0.9999636 1
# 2 KELDK02 -0.6526867 0.5376850 NA -0.1416633 1
And an alternative using the corrr
package as well
# example dataset
dt = read.table(text="hh_ids date income consumption alcohol cleaning_materials clothing
KELDK01 2012-11-1 62.70588 40.52941 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2012-12-1 17.64706 42.43530 0 1.058824 7.058824
KELDK01 2013-01-1 91.76471 48.23529 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-02-1 91.76470 107.52940 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-03-1 116.47060 114.47060 0 0.000000 0.000000
KELDK01 2013-04-1 124.41180 118.29410 0 2.705882 17.647060
KELDK02 2013-05-1 137.23530 105.00000 0 1.411765 1.882353
KELDK02 2013-06-1 131.52940 109.54120 0 4.352942 2.941176
KELDK02 2013-07-1 121.52940 113.47060 0 2.352941 25.882350
KELDK02 2013-08-1 123.32940 86.50588 0 2.588235 2.941176",
sep="", header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
dt %>%
group_by(hh_ids) %>% # for each id
do( correlate(.[,3:7]) %>% focus(clothing) ) %>% # keep columns 3 to 7, get correlations but return ones that have to do with variable "clothing"
# # A tibble: 8 x 3
# hh_ids rowname clothing
# <chr> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 KELDK01 income 0.1713298
# 2 KELDK01 consumption 0.3220463
# 3 KELDK01 alcohol NA
# 4 KELDK01 cleaning_materials 0.9999636
# 5 KELDK02 income -0.6526867
# 6 KELDK02 consumption 0.5376850
# 7 KELDK02 alcohol NA
# 8 KELDK02 cleaning_materials -0.1416633