Any ideas on how to transform this JSON file into a usable dataframe format:
Here's how the table should look:
Say you start with
df = pd.read_json("")
The problem is that the column is of dicts:
In [28]: df.variables.head()
AIANHH {u'concept': u'Selectable Geographies', u'pred...
ANRC {u'concept': u'Selectable Geographies', u'pred...
BST {u'concept': u'Selectable Geographies', u'pred...
CBSA {u'concept': u'Selectable Geographies', u'pred...
CD {u'concept': u'Selectable Geographies', u'pred...
Name: variables, dtype: object
But you can solve this by applying a Series
In [27]: df.variables.apply(pd.Series)
concept \
AIANHH Selectable Geographies
ANRC Selectable Geographies
BST Selectable Geographies
CBSA Selectable Geographies
CD Selectable Geographies
CNECTA Selectable Geographies
This is the DataFrame you want, probably, as can be shown by:
In [32]: df.variables.apply(pd.Series).columns
Out[32]: Index([u'concept', u'label', u'predicateOnly', u'predicateType'], dtype='object')