I am displaying a list of files on a page, at the end of the each file nameI have used one background image(cross mark). But I need that image should be clickable element. When I click on the image it should delete from the given path.For more details, see the below image
How can I achieve that, give some suggestion. Below html and css code I am using to display that image
$data .= '<div class = "public-file-names" ><a href="'.$path .'xmluploads/'. $foldnames .'/'. $filenames.'" target="_blank" download>' ."--". $filenames .'</a><br></div>';
div.public-file-names {
background: transparent url("../images/close-cross.jpg") no-repeat scroll right center;
font-size: 14px;
margin: 10px 0;
You need to add another anchor tag for the delete button, then move the background image to the tag.
$data .= '<div class = "public-file-names" ><a href="'.$path .'xmluploads/'. $foldnames .'/'. $filenames.'" target="_blank" download>' ."--". $filenames .'</a><br><a href="" class="delete-button"></a></div>';
.public-file-names {
font-size: 14px;
margin: 10px 0;
.delete-button {
float: right;
display: inline-block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
background: transparent url("../images/close-cross.jpg") no-repeat scroll right center;