I visualize an RDF graph using a convoluted process of SPARQL query -> CSV export -> import into Cytoscape Desktop -> export as JSON -> import into Cytoscape.js. Is there some way of directly visualizing RDF graphs in Cytoscape.js, for example with a plugin similar to RDFScape for Cytoscape Desktop?
P.S.: For anyone else having that problem, you can use our solution like this: http://www.snik.eu/graph/?sparql=https://dbpedia.org/sparql&graph=http://dbpedia.org. With the "&instances" parameter you can load instances as well (won't work for DBpedia because it is too large). The source code is at .http://github.com/imise/cytoscape-js.org
Write a small module using Node.js. Load your data from your database (probably using a module from npm), and then convert your data into the Cytoscape.js JSON format in your Node.js module. (You can even load that data directly into Cytoscape.js on Node.js headlessly if you want.)
This should automate the conversion process.