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Unable to filter notebooks on userRole

I'm trying to get a list of notebooks that I own, my API call is: /me/notes/notebooks?filter=userRole eq 'Owner' (Using the API console, so not replacing spaces here)

The response includes

400 (Bad Request) The OData query is invalid. A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Microsoft.OneNote.Api.UserRole' and 'Edm.String' for operator kind 'Equal'

Without the quotes around the userRole filter we get:

400 (Bad Request) Unknown property name: 'Owner' /me/notes/notebooks?filter=userRole eq Owner

Is there a correct way to filter on userRole?


Clutching at straws, but I've also tred

/me/notes/notebooks?filter=userRole eq Microsoft.OneNote.Api.UserRole.Owner


  "error": {
    "code": "20143",
    "message": "The OData query is invalid. The child type 'Microsoft.OneNote.Api.UserRole.Owner' in a cast was not an entity type. Casts can only be performed on entity types.",
    "@api.url": ""


  • me/notes/notebooks?$filter=userRole%20eq%20Microsoft.OneNote.Api.UserRole%27Reader%27
