Search code examples

Converting From Early Binding to Late Binding

Update # 2

I changed the values of the txtbox and submitbtns with a (0) (and also tried (1) as well), no changes.

And I also need to note that the Button has a different name and I updated accordingly here as well.

Dim TBox As String          'Name of object textbox to have value changed in
Dim TBtn As String          'Name of object button to be pressed
    TBox = "masked1"
    TBtn = "button"

If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    Set txtBox = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)(0)
    Set submitBtn = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBtn)(0)

    txtBox.Value = tVal
End If


So, things look promising with the suggestion provided by @cyboashu. However, I still cannot get my txtbox to update to the value = tVal (String).

Dim oShell      As Object
Dim oWin        As Object
Dim IE          As Object
Dim lTotlWin    As Long
Dim lCtr

Debug.Print Time & " --- IE Objects & Values ---"       ' Debugger Section
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] oShell..: " & oShell    ' Debug oShell
Set oWin = oShell.Windows()
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] oWin....: " & oWin      ' Debug oWin

lTotlWin = oWin.Count - 1   '/ Starts with zero
Debug.Print Time & " [long] lTotlWin: " & lTotlWin      ' Debug lTotlWin

For lCtr = 0 To lTotlWin
    If UCase(oWin.Item(lCtr).FullName) Like "*IEXPLORE.EXE" Then
        Set IE = oWin.Item(lCtr)
    End If
Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] IE......: " & IE
If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Found and hooked!!"
End If

Dim TBox As String          'In the event the textbox's name changes for some reason
    TBox = "masked1"

If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    Set txtBox = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] txtbox..: " & txtbox
    Set submitBtn = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] submitBtn:" & submitBtn

    txtBox.Value = tVal
End If

Set shellwins = Nothing

Debug.Print Time & "- - - END SUB - - -" & E

End Sub

(Debugger values if anyone cares)..

2:44:11 PM --- IE Objects & Values ---
2:44:11 PM [long] lTotlWin: 5
2:44:11 PM [obj ] IE......: Internet Explorer
2:44:11 PM - - - END SUB - - -


  • Get object won't work here.

    What MS says about it :

    Calling GetObject to get a running ActiveX object on a client system would be a large security risk because any running object on the system could be accessed without direct user permission, and is therefore not allowed by Internet Explorer. There is no way to change this behavior, either through code or manually by an end user.

    Try this :

    Sub testIELateBinding()
        Dim oShell              As Object
        Dim oWin                As Object
        Dim IE                  As Object
        Dim lTotlWin            As Long
        Dim lCtr
        Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set oWin = oShell.Windows()
        lTotlWin = oWin.Count - 1 '/ Starts with zero
        For lCtr = 0 To lTotlWin
            If UCase(oWin.Item(lCtr).FullName) Like "*IEXPLORE.EXE" Then
                Set IE = oWin.Item(lCtr)
            End If
        If Not IE Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Found and hooked!!"
        End If
    End Sub