Hey I am curious about some C++ behaviour as the code I am working on would benefit greatly from this in terms of simplicity if this behaviour is consistent. Basically the idea is for a specific function inside my object A
to compute a complex calculation returning a float
, but just before returning the float
, occasionally, calling delete this
here is a code example of the functionality i am trying to verify is consistent.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct A
float test(float a) {delete this; return a;}
int main()
A *a = new A();
cout << a->test(1.f) << endl;
cout << "deleted?" << endl;
cout << a->test(1.f) << endl;
the output becomes:
*** Error in `./test': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0105d008 *** Aborted (core dumped)
I think this means the object was deleted correctly (what is left in memory? an uncallable skeleton of A? A typed pointer? A null pointer?), but am not sure whether I am right about that. If so, is this behaviour going to be consistent (my functions will only be returning native types (floats))
Additionally I am curious as to why this doesn't seem to work:
struct A
float test(float a) {delete this; return a;}
int main()
A a;
cout << a.test(1.f) << endl;
this compiles but throws the following error before returning anything.
*** Error in `./test': free(): invalid pointer: 0xbe9e4c64 *** Aborted (core dumped)
NOTE Please don't tell reply with a long list of explanations as to why this is bad coding/etiquette or whatever, don't care, I am simply interested in the possibilities.
It is safe for a member function to call delete this;
if you know that the object was allocated using scalar new
and that nothing else will use the object afterward.
In your first example, after the first call to a->test(1.f)
, a
becomes a "dangling pointer". You invoke Undefined Behavior when you dereference it to call test
a second time.
In your second example, the delete this;
statement is Undefined Behavior because the object was not created using new