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Avro: deserialize json - schema with optional fields

There are a lot of questions and answers on stackoverflow on the subject, but no one that helps.

I have a schema with optional value:

 "type" : "record",
 "name" : "UserSessionEvent",
 "namespace" : "events",
 "fields" : [ {
   "name" : "username",
   "type" : "string"
 }, {
   "name" : "errorData",
   "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
   "default" : null

And I'm trying deserialize json w/o this field:

 "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
 "errorData" : { "string":"070226AC-9B91-47CE-85FE-15AA17972298"}

using code:

val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema)
val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, json), decoder)

and I got: org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException: Expected field name not found: errorData

The only way that works is json

 "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
 "errorData" : null


Is there a way to deserialize json w/o this field?

Another question: when this field is here, I should write

 "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
 "errorData" : { "string":"070226AC-9B91-47CE-85FE-15AA17972298"}


Is there a way to deserialize a "normal" json:

 "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
 "errorData" : "070226AC-9B91-47CE-85FE-15AA17972298"



  • case 1 is working fine in java .

    "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
    "errorData" : { "string":"070226AC-9B91-47CE-85FE-15AA17972298"}

    for case 2 Your schema is defined for union. You can update you schema as below to deserialize json.

       "username" : "2271AE67-34DE-4B43-8839-07216C5D10E1",
       "errorData" : "070226AC-9B91-47CE-85FE-15AA17972298"
      "type" : "record",
      "name" : "UserSessionEvent",
      "namespace" : "events",
      "fields" : [ {
                    "name" : "username",
                    "type" : "string"
                 }, {
                    "name" : "errorData",
                    "type" :  "string" ,
                    "default" : null