I've been added as a Team member by Team Admin through the iTunesConnect and I am trying to create an archive and validate it. It fails as title says with a message :
Also, if I try to let the Xcode fix this automatically, I get this error:
The Team Agent created iOS Distribution profile in iTunesConnect and according to the docs, the Team Member indeed can't create certificates :
but that is why the Team Admin created them for me, but still, it looks like my Xcode tries to create certificates, rather than to download and use them (while validating archive). Any ides why is this happening and how to validate an archive and upload the build to the iTunesConnect?
Certs are always paired with private keys. You need the cert/key pair to sign properly.
Since your team agent created the distribution cert, the cert/private key is on their computer's keychain. Even if you were to download the cert, you'd be missing the private key. Your team agent will need to open up Keychain App, export it, send it to you, and then you'll need to import it into your keychain.
At that point, assuming you also have the correct provisioning files downloaded and have the build settings correct, signing should work.