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alfresco sdk authentication bearer with own filter

I started using Alfresck SDK (All in one) the latest version. I am trying customise authentication in Alfresco. I configured a new authentication using documentation: authentication but I want to provide JWT Token base authentication. When I try to pass through a http header: Authorization: Bearer mytoken - it is cought by BasicHttpAuthenticatorFactory from child class RemoteUserAuthenticatorFactory and it says that it is not supported. How to pass my own bearer token and then invoke: public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException method? I does not see documentation for adding new own servlet filters.


  • Assuming you are running a 5.x version (4.something may also work) of Alfresco and your Servlet container supports the Servlet 3 spec (Tomcat 7 shipping with Alfresco 5.x is fine), then you can add a Servlet filter by following the spec - annotation or web-fragment based.

    Not quite sure about your scenario, but I added OAuth authentication to Share w/o leveraging the Servlet API. Wired a custom Authentication Component into the chain and added a bunch of tweaks (LoginController etc.) to Share