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Scrollable TextView in Android Widget

I would like to create an android widget with a scrollable textview.

The solutions given to this question Making TextView scrollable on Android cannot be applied because it is a widget:

1. This

 findViewById( MovementMethod());

does not work, since findViewById is not available in AppWidgetProvider but only in Activity.

2.Putting a ScrollView around the TextView also does not work, because I get an InflateException:

 android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class ScrollView

Can anybody give me a hint, how to make a TextView in a Widget scrollable?


  • It looks like this is not possible.

    More on this can be found here:

    and here: How to make a scrollable app widget?

    So, probably it is possible to do make appwidgets scrollable in the HTC sense environment but not for normal android environments.

    A way around this is to add buttons that go up and down in a list.