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How to return a collection of models with selected columns and relation eager loaded in Laravel 5.2

Problem details:

I have three models

  • a Directorate with id and name fields,
  • an Employee with id and name fields and
  • a Telephone with id, tel, employee_id, directorate_id, description and type fields. The employee_id may be nullable, that is there are telephones stored in database with employee_id = null

The models are related as follows:

  • an employee may have many telephones
  • a directorate, may have many telephones

    class Directorate extends Model
        public function telephones()
            return $this->hasMany(Telephone::class);
        public function employees()
            return $this->hasMany(Employee::class);
    class Employee extends Model
        public function telephones()
            return $this->hasMany(Telephone::class);
        public function directorate()
            return $this->belongTo(Directorate::class);
    class Telephone extends Model
        public function employee()
            return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class);
        public function directorate()
            return $this->belongsTo(Directorate::class);


I want to fetch a Collection of all the Telephone models that belong to a specific Directorate, that have employee_id = null and also having their directorate relation eager loaded. In addition, from that resulting collection of Telephone models, I need only some of the models' fields, that is id, tel and description


What I tried so far was the following:

I created a query scope in the Telephone model:

public function scopeHaveNoEmployeeId($query)
    return $query->where('telephones.employee_id', '=', null);

In my controller

$myTelephones = Telephone::with('directorate')


                ->where('directorate_id', $directorateId)

                ->get(['id', 'tel', 'description']);

However what I am receiving are the requested fields of the filtered models without the relation eager loaded, for instance:

"id": 79,
"tel": "0648136867",
"directorate": null
"id": 380,
"tel": "0223796011",
"directorate": null

I tried also to lazy eager load the relation afterwards but with no luck.

Finally I noticed that if I request all the Telephone models fields, the relation will eager load as I request. For example:

$myTelephones = Telephone::with('directorate')


                ->where('directorate_id', $directorateId)


Then as a result:

"id": 79,
"tel": "0648136867",
"directorate": {
                "id": 23
                 "name": "Some name"
"id": 380,
"tel": "0223796011",
"directorate": {
                "id": 23
                 "name": "Some name"


  • Actually, after digging into Laravel's details for a while, I noticed that my initial question was out of context and somewhat silly. I was first eager loaded a relationship and then fatuously I filtered out the relationship by not including it in get() parameters. I had just to do the following:

    $myTelephones = Telephone::with('directorate')
                    ->where('directorate_id', $directorateId)
                    ->get(['id', 'tel', 'description', 'directorate']);