I am working on a SendBird chat integration with Rubymotion. I am running into some problems since I am unable to get a Messaging Channel List from the SDK due to my limited knowledge of Objective-C / Swift structures.
I would appreciate some help translating the following code into RubyMotion code:
- (void) queryMessagingChannels
messagingChannelListQuery = [SendBird queryMessagingChannelList];
[messagingChannelListQuery setLimit:15];
[messagingChannelListQuery nextWithResultBlock:^(NSMutableArray *queryResult) {
for (int i = 0; i < [queryResult count]; i++) {
SendBirdMessagingChannel *mc = (SendBirdMessagingChannel *)[queryResult objectAtIndex:i];
} endBlock:^(NSError *error) {
func queryMessagingChannels() {
messagingChannelListQuery = SendBird.queryMessagingChannelList()
messagingChannelListQuery?.nextWithResultBlock({ (queryResult) -> Void in
for model in queryResult {
let mc: SendBirdMessagingChannel = model as! SendBirdMessagingChannel
}, endBlock: { (code) -> Void in
So far I have this, but it is failing with an error.
mp "Iterating over MessagingChannelList"
@messagingChannelListQuery = SendBird.queryMessagingChannelList()
@messagingChannelListQuery.nextWithResultBlock.each do |queryResult|
@messaging_channels << queryResult
# reload tableview data here
chat_messaging_screen.rb:49:in `load_async': undefined method `nextWithResultBlock' for #<SendBirdMessagingChannelListQuery:0x117c672e0> (NoMethodError)
I really don't know how to properly set up the block in this case.
Ok. So the nextWithResultBlock actually requires passing endBlock too, so this finally solved it:
-> (queryresult) {
#do something here with queryresult.each
endBlock: -> (code) {
The NoMethodError was throwing me off.